I was so excited when this picture showed up in my email. This lovely creature is the artwork of an 8 year old. According to his mom, this cat is a
Kachina doll so I can only assume that they are studying native American cultures in school. Regardless, I was so excited about this one because of all the detail. I decided that I would embroider all those crazy black lines. It took WAY more embroidery floss than I expected, but it was good fun. Most everything that I sew, I do it on my machine, but it was a nice change to do so much by hand. Plus, it gave me an opportunity to get caught up on those Law & Order
SVU episodes that have been getting backed up on my
I had fun with the fabrics as well. I used a shiny nylon for the body, stretch polyester for red part (what is that? a bandanna?) and eyes. Green fleece for the dots, quilter's cotton for the arms and corduroy for the bottom. The eclectic combo and the embroidery gives him a cool feel. Some of the embroidery was done with yarn instead of floss for the thicker lines. I learned along the way that the shiny nylon is a poor choice for something with so many stitches so I doubled up. There are 2 layers of the blue fabric so that there is no chance of the stuffing coming out through the stitch holes.
To be honest, I'm pretty damn proud of this little guy.
and, as usual, I made two. Dylan has one and the other is up for sale in my etsy store